Free Java ebook

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Free ebook - free board game on paper "Oflameron" - do it yourself and play

    Fill in the Label values
    We filled arrays field1[i] - field5 isn[i] values from the random number generator RND. В зависимости от значений элементов field1[i] - field5[i] зададим цвет фона ячеек Label, цвет шрифта и значение Label.

    Free Java ebook
    Procedure of copying of the nominal values and the attributes from Label56.



  Learn Foreign Language
  with board game "Oflameron"
  Board game can be used for self-study English, Spanish, French, and Spanish languages.
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  Valery V Shmeleff

Free Java ebook

       Now let us add copying of the value and attributes of “temporary” cell Label56 in the specific cells of the playing area. Let us consider the example for copying of elements of one array field1[] to the bottom line of the playing area with determination of cells nominal values and their color attributes
      cs - nominal value from Label56 (+1, +5, ..., T, P, B, Z, End)
      dg - BackColor from Label56
      dk - ForeColor from Label56
      Change color in Java. Example
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      Keywords: - free, java, ebook, Java tutorial
      Description: - Free Java guide. Free ebook
      About: - Free board game on Java "Oflameron". Free ebook


Free Java ebook