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Free ebook - free board game on paper "Oflameron" - do it yourself and play

    Create a Label and set the text alignment



  Learn Foreign Language
  with board game "Oflameron"
  Board game can be used for self-study English, Spanish, French, and Spanish languages.
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  Valery V Shmeleff

Free Java ebook

      To simultaneously move and resize objects Label, we used the method reshape.
      Create a text field with no text
      Create a text field with the specified text
      Create a text field with the specified text and the specified alignment
      Create a class field Label
      Using the add method, you can add a text box in the applet window:
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      Keywords: - free, java, ebook, Java tutorial
      Description: - Free Java guide. Free ebook
      About: - Free board game on Java "Oflameron". Free ebook


Free Java ebook

      Educational Board game "Oflameron" programming guide on Java



      Free Java programmer's guide and examples. Java source code. Board game on Java - programming guide